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2024年3月14日 星期四

【人因工程學會】Message from ACED

Dear Members of EST,

I would like to find out how prepared we are to conduct training and education for our fellow ACED members in the coming years.

Most of us are professionally trained in our respective field and the chance for our younger generation and fresh ergonomists or Human Factors Engineers are limited if we rely solely on the initiatives of each society or country to provide the courses or training.

So, I would like to find out if our members are prepared to impart your knowledge to those who are keen to strengthen their skills and knowledge in areas that they are weak in. We can stand on the shoulders of the giants and learn from them.

A few questions I would like to ask you to reply so that I can collate the information for ACED members moving forward.

1. Are you prepared to provide a short course in an area of your expertise? What is the area of expertise?

2. How long is the course? 2-day, 3-day or 5-day workshop?

3. Online or In-Person

4. Where will it be conducted? In your country or are you prepared to travel around Asia to deliver the course?

Just to name a few but not limited are some of these areas.

Please propose new areas if you are the subject matter expert in the new domains.

Basic Anatomy and Physiology

Anthropometry, Biomechanics & Physical Loading

Cognitive Ergonomics

Environmental Ergonomics - Noise & Vibration etc..

Design for anthropometry, human body and hand tools

Design for cognitive support

Design for manufacturing, assembly and production

Design for psychosocial health and worker involvement

Design for materials handling

Design for thermal climate

Design for good vision

Design for healthy sound environments

Design to minimize whole-body vibration risk

Design to minimize hand-arm vibration risk

Design for social sustainability

HCI: GUI, UI design, style guides & UI design environments, UI environments, integrating HFE into system development

Can I trouble those who are keen to impart your knowledge and nurture the younger generations to reply to me by 31 March 24?

Thank you.

Best regards,


地址:811532 高雄市楠梓區卓越路2號 國立高雄科技大學 資訊管理系



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