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人因工程在國內有系統的發展,大約是從民國七十三年,國科會邀請國內人因工程小組,討論它的發展方向開始,經過好幾次會議的熱烈討論,才確定了『人因工程』的中文名稱和它的 發展方向(之前的中文譯名不一,如『人體工學』、『人類工程學』、『人類因素學』等)。

Ergonomics has developed systematically in Taiwan. The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) had organized the domestic ergonomics team to start the discussion of its directions and developments in 1980s. After heated discussions in several meetings, the naming and definition of "Ergonomics" were established. The Ergonomics Society of Taiwan was proposed by professors from diverse universities and relevant research institutions to integrate the human resources of ergonomics. People are working together to improve the capacity of academic research and technical standards, and promote the collaborations all over the word.

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